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Restaurant Management System


Expodine is a complete restaurant management software designed to make the process of managing your restaurant not just easy, but entertaining as well. It not only helps in providing a wonderful dining experience to your customers but also makes the life of you and your customers a whole lot easier.

The customers get to access the menu and place their order without having to wait for the steward. For easy navigation, the digital/eMenu lists the dishes using images, ingredients, and nutritional values under separate categories.

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Key Features

  • Menu Management
  • KOT & KOD Management
  • Stock/Inventory Management
  • Cashflow Management
  • Bill Generation
  • Authority Based Scree
  • Loyalty Program
  • Detailed Analytical Report
  • interactive menu
  • Item Modifier
  • Order Status
  • Call Waiter
  • Faster Service
  • Special Offers
  • POS Integration
  • Offline Mode
  • Table Management
  • Shift Management

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